About Me!

Fatima Kane

Hello! Meet your friendly, neighborhood over-packer!

A selfie of a girl with glasses and curly black hair, smiling.

My name is Fatimata, but I also go by Fatima. I am a 21 year old Computer Science/History student at the University of Miami and I love to travel! Curiously, I have never studied abroad, but it's definitely on my bucket list. I've always been curious as a child even though my palate didn't extend that far. I love exploring, but being a picky eater definitely puts some training wheels on my "free spirit". I've yet to venture to South America, Australia, or East Asia, but my bucket list is long and the world awaits me.

I am often accompanied by my family on my trips, but turning 21 means I get to venture into solo travel, which excites me and terrifies me at the same time. I've heard horror stories from black, female travelers like myself involving racism, stares, unsavory encounters, and unwelcome attention. All of which I can personally attest to being true from first hand experience abroad. However, I won't allow the dated attitudes of others scare me off from enjoying myself!

I picture myself having visited at least 20 more countries in 5 years time. Ambitious, I know, but I am a woman on a mission with a cobweb filled passport.

On y vas!

Scratch Off Map with Visited and Want to Visit Countries highlighted in green and blue, respectively.
Map graphic made with Contiki.